Following on from my interview with the brilliant British designer and artist Graham Humphreys, I have recently been discussing the original release of the Evil Dead quad with him, and in particular why there are two versions of it that have surfaced over the years. I have the full size (approximately 39 and 3/4″ x 30 and 1/4″) version that has a white border, but there is a more commonly seen version which has been trimmed down to remove the border and measures around 38 and 1/4″ x 28 3/4″. Graham has both of these versions and cannot recall why the smaller version was trimmed. Investigations continue and I will post the findings once all avenues have been exhausted.
In the meantime I thought I’d post some interesting Evil Dead related items that Graham shared with me recently:

This is the poster for the Evil Dead computer game tie-in, which was released by Palace Software who were owned by the Palace Group, of which Palace Pictures (the British distributors of The Evil Dead) were a part.

Next is a press advert designed by Graham that was announcing the incredible success of the film’s release.