- Title
- Grindhouse
- --
- Year of Film
- 2007
- Director
- Quentin Tarantino | Robert Rodriguez
- Starring
- Rose McGowan, Freddy Rodriguez, Josh Brolin, Marley Shelton, Kurt Russell, Rosario Dawson, Vanessa Ferlito, Jordan Ladd, Naveen Andrews, Bruce Willis
- Origin of Film
- Type of Poster
- One sheet
- Style of Poster
- --
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- 2007
- Designer
- BLT & Associates
- Artist
- --
- Size (inches)
- 27" x 40"
- SS or DS
- DS
- NSS #
- --
- Tagline
- See! Two great movies for one low price! Together in one smash explosive show