- Title
- Street Trash
- Horror in Bowery Street (Italy)
- Year of Film
- 1987
- Director
- J. Michael Muro
- Starring
- Mike Lackey, Bill Chepil, Vic Noto, Mark Sferrazza, Jane Arakawa, Nicole Potter, Pat Ryan, Clarenze Jarmon, Bernard Perlman
- Origin of Film
- Type of Poster
- B2
- Style of Poster
- --
- Origin of Poster
- Japan
- Year of Poster
- 1987
- Designer
- Unknown
- Artist
- --
- Size (inches)
- 20 6/16" x 28 13/16"
- SS or DS
- SS
- Tagline
- --
‘The ultimate melt movie’, the classic 1987 splatter-fest Street Trash is as gore-filled and tasteless as this Japanese B2 poster depicts. A sleazy liquor store owner finds a case of old wine labelled ‘Tenafly Viper’ in his basement and, rather than dispose of it, he decides to offload the case to the local homeless population for a dollar a bottle. It soon becomes clear that Viper is really not fit for consumption and the poor hobos are having literal meltdowns after drinking it. An overzealous cop (Bill Chepil) begins to investigate the deaths whilst two homeless brothers, Fred (Mike Lackey) and Kevin (Mark Sferrazza) learn of Viper’s potency and try to warn others whilst dealing with the machinations of the unhinged homeless Vietnam vet Bronson (Vic Noto).
The blue face at the bottom of the poster is what’s left when the first hobo (pictured to the left) succumbs to the effects of the deadly drink and disintegrates into a toilet bowl, as depicted on the superb US one sheet.
The splendid original trailer can be see on YouTube – “It’s easy to find us…. we’re all over the place.”